Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Story of God Ganesh
Lord Ganesha
Lord Ganesh is the elephant-headed God, with one tusk. The legend of how he got his elephant head and one tusk is a fascinating one.

One day Parvati, Shiva's beloved wife, instructed Shiva's attendant Nandi not to let anyone in while she was taking a bath. A little later Shiva arrived wishing to enter. Nandi was in a dilemma as how to stop his master. Shiva entered Parvati was not ready to receive him. She was upset and wondered why Nandi had not obeyed her command. She complained to Shiva but Shiva did not take the matter too seriously. He was amused to hear that Parvati had asked Nandi to stop him from entering his own home. Parvati was annoyed. She shared her feelings with her friends. They teased Parvati by saying that she had no attendant of her own. They all considered Shiva their true master.
One of Parvati's friends came up with the idea to create a person who would owe his first ganesh02.jpg (40643 bytes)allegiance to Parvati and not to Shiva. So Parvati gathered the saffron paste (used at the time of bathing), from her own body and created a boy. The boy was handsome and strong. She gave the boy life and hugged him dearly.
"You are my son, my very own son, I do not have anyone elseto call my very own" said Parvati. Then Parvati gave the boy a staff and asked him to guard the door, "Do not to allow any one to enter without my permission."
A little later Shiva arrived and wondered who the boy could be and why was he there. His attendants did not know either. As Shiva approached the door, the boy stopped him. Shiva tried to explain to the boy that he was Parvati's husband and he had the right to enter without asking any one. The boy said without hesitation, "Halt, no one enters these halls without my mother's permission." When Shiva ignored him, the boy hit him with his staff. Shiva was furious. He tried to fight the young boy to realize that he was no ordinary boy. Shiva asked his attendants to capture the boy but single-handedly, the boy defeated all of them.
News reached Parvati through her friends and she thought, "Shiva is after all my husband." But she instantly argued, "But why should he try to force himself in without giving respect to the my privacy?" So she firmly conveyed her feelings to her friend, and she took the message to the boy, "Parvati has given definite instruction as not to allow any one to enter the palace. The boy declared, "I am the son of Parvati. I will give my life to carry out my mother's orders. No one can enter the palace without my mother's permission."
The messenger returned to Shiva and humbly informed him what the boy had said. Shiva's pride was hurt. Shiva was so angry that he sent his entire army to capture the boy. Parvati called for her other powers, Kali and Durga. She asked them to stand beside her son. Shiva's army lost the battle and the attendants ran for their lives. Shiva then called Vishnu to join him in defeating the small boy. This was not a fair fight. While the boy was engaged in fighting with Vishnu, Shiva threw his Trident and beheaded the boy. After the head rolled off, Shiva realized his mistake.
ganesh03.jpg (57038 bytes)When Parvati heard of the unfair fight she decided to destroy the world. Brahma humbly approached Parvati, seeking for mercy to save the world. Parvati agreed on two conditions, "My son must regain his life and he shall be worshipped before any of the other gods." By that time Shiva had calmed down and apologized for his rash behavior. He agreed to bring the boy back to life. He asked Brahma to go North and bring the head of the first creature that crossed his path. Brahma left with his party and soon brought back the head of a strong elephant. The head was then fitted to the body of the boy and Brahma sprinkled water on it. The boy came to life with an elephant's head on his shoulder. Parvati embraced her son with joy. She then turned to Brahma to fulfill her second condition. Indra and the other gods brought Shiva to Parvati. Shiva apologized for his arrogance and declared "Hence on, this valiant boy will be my son. He will be respected as any other God and will be worshipped before any other God. He will be called Ganesh, the chief of my Ganas or attendants, and also Vigneshwar, the remover of all obstacles.
Shiva and Parvati once again began to live happily in their abode at mount Kailash.
Many years later, Shiva was taking a nap when Ganesh was guarding him. At that moment Parashuram, the Brahmin warrior, came to see Shiva. Much to his dismay he was stopped by Ganesh. Parashuram was unwilling to take orders from anyone. As a result, a big fight ensued. Finally, Parashuram threw his powerful ax towards Ganesh. Ganesh stopped the ax with his tusk which broke. Thus Ganesh lost one of his tusks and began to be known as Eka-danta, or "One Toothed." 
Ganesh Symbolism
108 Names of God Ganesh
  1. Akhuratha : One who has Mouse as His Charioteer
  2. Alampata : Ever Eternal Lord
  3. Amit :Incomparable Lord
  4. Anantachidrupamayam :Infinite and Consciousness Personified
  5. Avaneesh :Lord of the whole World
  6. Avighna :Remover of Obstacles
  7. Balaganapati : Beloved and Lovable Child
  8. Bhalchandra : Moon-Crested Lord
  9. Bheema :Huge and Gigantic
  10. Bhupati :Lord of the Gods
  11. Bhuvanpati :God of the Gods
  12. Buddhinath :God of Wisdom
  13. Buddhipriya : Knowledge Bestower
  14. Buddhividhata : God of Knowledge
  15. Chaturbhuj : One who has Four Arms
  16. Devadeva : Lord! of All Lords
  17. Devantakanashakarin : Destroyer of Evils and Asuras
  18. Devavrata : One who accepts all Penances
  19. Devendrashika : Protector of All Gods
  20. Dharmik : One who gives Charity
  21. Dhoomravarna :Smoke-Hued Lord
  22. Durja : Invincible Lord
  23. Dvaimatura : One who has two Mothers
  24. Ekaakshara : He of the Single Syllable
  25. Ekadanta : Single-Tusked Lord
  26. Ekadrishta : Single-Tusked Lord
  27. Eshanputra : Lord Shiva's Son
  28. Gadadhara : One who has The Mace as His Weapon
  29. Gajakarna : One who has Eyes like an Elephant
  30. Gajanana : Elephant-Faced Lord
  31. Gajananeti : Elephant-Faced Lord
  32. Gajavakra : Trunk of The Elephant
  33. Gajavaktra : One who has Mouth like an Elephant
  34. Ganadhakshya : Lord of All Ganas (Gods)
  35. Ganadhyakshina : Leader of All The Celestial Bodies
  36. Ganapati : Lord of All Ganas (Gods)
  37. Gaurisuta : The Son of Gauri (Parvati)
  38. Gunina : One who is The Master of All Virtues
  39. Haridra : One who is Golden Coloured
  40. Heramba : Mother's Beloved Son
  41. Kapila : Yellowish-Brown Coloured
  42. Kaveesha : Master of Poets
  43. Krti : Lord of Music
  44. Kripalu : Merciful Lord
  45. Krishapingaksha : Yellowish-Brown Eyed
  46. Kshamakaram : The Place of Forgiveness
  47. Kshipra : One who is easy to Appease
  48. Lambakarna : Large-Eared Lord
  49. Lambodara : The Huge Bellied Lord
  50. Mahabala : Enormously Strong Lord
  51. Mahaganapati : Omnipotent and Supreme Lord
  52. Maheshwaram : Lord of The Universe
  53. Mangalamurti : All Auspicious Lord
  54. Manomay : Winner of Hearts
  55. Mrityuanjaya : Conqueror of Death
  56. Mundakarama : Abode of Happiness
  57. Muktidaya : Bestower of Eternal Bliss
  58. Musikvahana : One who has Mouse as His Charioteer
  59. Nadapratithishta :One who Appreciates and Loves Music
  60. Namasthetu : Vanquisher of All Evils and Vices and Sins
  61. Nandana : Lord Shiva's Son
  62. Nideeshwaram : Giver of Wealth and Treasures
  63. Omkara :One who has the Form Of OM
  64. Pitambara :One who has Yellow-Coloured Body
  65. Pramoda :Lord of All Abodes
  66. Prathameshwara :First Among All
  67. Purush : The Omnipotent Personality
  68. Rakta : One who has Red-Coloured Body
  69. Rudrapriya :Beloved Of Lord Shiva
  70. Sarvadevatman :Acceptor of All Celestial Offerings
  71. Sarvasiddhanta : Bestower of Skills and Wisdom
  72. Sarvatman :Protector of The Universe
  73. Shambhavi : The Son of Parvati
  74. Shashivarnam : One who has a Moon like Complexion
  75. Shoorpakarna :Large-Eared Lord
  76. Shuban :All Auspicious Lord
  77. Shubhagunakanan : One who is The Master of All Virtues
  78. Shweta : One who is as Pure as the White Colour
  79. Siddhidhata : Bestower of Success and Accomplishments
  80. Siddhipriya : Bestower of Wishes and Boons
  81. Siddhivinayaka : Bestower of Success
  82. Skandapurvaja : Elder Brother of Skand (Lord Kartik)
  83. Sumukha : Auspicious Face
  84. Sureshwaram :Lord of All Lords
  85. Swaroop : Lover of Beauty
  86. Tarun : Ageless
  87. Uddanda : Nemesis of Evils and Vices
  88. Umaputra : The Son of Goddess Uma (Parvati)
  89. Vakratunda : Curved Trunk Lord
  90. Varaganapati : Bestower of Boons
  91. Varaprada : Granter of Wishes and Boons
  92. Varadavinayaka : Bestower of Success
  93. Veeraganapati : Heroic Lord
  94. Vidyavaridhi : God of Wisdom
  95. Vighnahara : Remover of Obstacles
  96. Vignaharta : Demolisher of Obstacles
  97. Vighnaraja : Lord of All Hindrances
  98. Vighnarajendra : Lord of All Obstacles
  99. Vighnavinashanaya : Destroyer of All Obstacles and Impediments
  100. Vigneshwara: Lord of All Obstacles
  101. Vikat : Huge and Gigantic
  102. Vinayaka : Lord of All
  103. Vishwamukha : Master of The Universe
  104. Vishwaraja : King of The World
  105. Yagnakaya : Acceptor of All Sacred and Sacrificial Offerings
  106. Yashaskaram :Bestower of Fame and Fortune
  107. Yashvasin : Beloved and Ever Popular Lord
  108. Yogadhipa : The Lord of Meditation 
32 Forms of God Ganesh

ganesh01g_epsBala Ganapati
Bala Ganapati is "the Childlike" God of golden hue. In His hands He holds a banana, mango, sugar cane and jackfruit, all representing the earth's abundance and fertility. His trunk garners His favorite sweet, the modaka.

ganesh02g_epsTaruna Ganapati
Eight-armed, Taruna Ganapati, "the Youthful," holds a noose and goad, modaka, wood apple, rose apple, His broken tusk, a sprig of paddy and a sugar cane stalk. His brilliant red color reflects the blossoming of youth.

ganesh03g_epsBhakti Ganapati
Shining like the full moon during harvest season and garlanded with flowers, Bhakti Ganapati, dear to devotees, is indeed pleasant to look upon. He holds a banana, a mango, coconut and a bowl of sweet payasa pudding.

ganesh04g_epsVira Ganapati
The "Valiant Warrior," Vira Ganapati, assumes a commanding pose. His 16 arms bristle with weapons, symbols of mind powers: a goad, discus, bow, arrow, sword, shield, spear, mace, a battleaxe, a trident and more.

ganesh05g_epsShakti Ganapati
Four-armed and seated with one of His shaktis on His knee, Shakti Ganapati, "the Powerful," of orange-red hue, guards the householder. He holds a garland, noose and goad, and bestows blessings with the abhaya mudra.

ganesh06g_epsDvija Ganapati
Four-headed Dvija Ganapati, "the Twice-born," is moon-like in color. Holding a noose, a goad, an ola leaf scripture, a staff, water vessel and a his japa beads, He reminds one and all of the urgency for disciplined striving.

ganesh07g_epsSiddhi Ganapati
Golden-yellow Siddhi Ganapati, "the Accomplished," is the epitome of achievement and self-mastery. He sits comfortably holding a bouquet of flowers, an axe, mango, sugar cane and, in His trunk, a tasty sesame sweet.

ganesh08g_epsUcchhishta Ganapati
Ucchhishta Ganapati is "Lord of Blessed Offerings" and guardian of culture. Of blue complexion and six-armed, He sits with His Shakti, holding a vina, pomegranate, blue lotus flower, japa mala and a sprig of fresh paddy.

ganesh09g_epsVighna Ganapati
Vighna Ganapati, "Lord of Obstacles," is of brilliant gold hue and bedecked in jewels. His eight arms hold a noose and goad, tusk and modaka, conch and discus, a bouquet of flowers, sugar cane, flower arrow and an axe.

ganesh10g_epsKshipra Ganapati
Handsome, red-hued Kshipra Ganapati, "Quick-acting" giver of boons, displays His broken tusk, a noose, goad and a sprig of the kalpavriksha (wish-fulfilling) tree. In His uplifted trunk He holds a tiny pot of precious jewels.

ganesh11g_epsHeramba Ganapati
Five-faced, white in color, Heramba Ganapati, "Protector of the Weak," rides a big lion. He extends the gestures of protection and blessing while holding a noose, japa beads, axe, hammer, tusk, garland, fruit and modaka.

ganesh12g_epsLakshmi Ganapati
Lakshmi Ganapati, pure white giver of success, sits flanked by Wisdom and Achievement. Gesturing varada mudra, He holds a green parrot, a pomegranate, sword, goad, noose, sprig of kalpavriksha and a water vessel.

ganesh13g_epsMaha Ganapati
Accompanied by one of His shaktis, "the Great," Maha Ganapati, is red-complexioned and three-eyed. He holds His tusk, a pomegranate, blue lily, sugar-cane bow, discus, noose, lotus, paddy sprig, mace and a pot of gems.

ganesh14g_epsVijaya Ganapati
Four-armed, of red hue and riding His resourceful mushika, Vijaya Ganapati is "the Victorious" bestower of success. His insignia are the broken tusk, elephant goad, a noose and a lucious golden mango, His favorite fruit.

ganesh15g_epsNritya Ganapati
The happy "Dancer," Nritya Ganapati, is four-armed and golden, with rings on His fingers, holding a tusk, goad, noose and modaka sweet. He prances under the kalpavriksha tree, epitomizing exuberant activity and joy.

ganesh16g_epsUrdhva Ganapati
Seated with one of His shaktis on His left knee, Urdhva Ganapati is "the Elevated" Lord of golden hue. In His six hands He holds a sprig of paddy, a lotus, the sugar cane bow, an arrow, His ivory tusk and a blue water lily.

ganesh17g_epsEkakshara Ganapati
Ekakshara, of "Single-Syllable" (gam), is three-eyed, of red complexion and attire. Crescent moon on His crown, He sits in lotus pose upon Mushika, offers the boon-giving gesture and holds a pomegranate, noose and goad.

ganesh18g_epsVarada Ganapati
Varada Ganapati, "the Boon-Giver with prominent third eye of wisdom, holds a dish of honey, the noose and goad and encloses a pot of jewels in His trunk. His shakti is at His side, and the crescent moon adorns His crown.

ganesh19g_epsTryakshara Ganapati
Tryakshara Ganapati, "the Lord of Three Letters" (A-U-M), is gold in color and has fly whisks in His big floppy ears. He carries the broken tusk, goad, noose and mango and is often seen grasping a sweet modaka in His trunk.

ganesh20g_epsKshipra Prasada Ganapati
Kshipra Prasada Ganapati, "the Quick Rewarder," presides from a kusha-grass throne. His big belly symbolizes the manifest universe. He holds a noose, goad, tusk, lotus, pomegranate and a twig of the wish-fulfilling tree.

ganesh21g_epsHaridra Ganapati
Haridra Ganapati, the golden one dressed in bright yellow vestments, sits calmly on a posh, regal throne. Along with His tusk and a modaka, He wields a noose to hold devotees close and a sharp goad to spur them onward.

ganesh22g_epsEkadanta Ganapati
Ekadanta, of "Single Tusk," is distinguished by His blue color and sizeable belly. The attributes of this murti are an axe for cutting the bonds of ignorance, prayer beads for japa, a laddu sweet and the broken right tusk.

ganesh23g_epsSrishti Ganapati
Riding on His docile and friendly mouse, Srishti Ganapati is the lord of happy "Manifestation." This active God, of red complexion, holds His noose a goad, a perfect mango, and His tusk, representing selfless sacrifice.

ganesh24g_epsUddanda Ganapati
Uddanda Ganapati is the bold "Enforcer of Dharma," the laws of being. His ten hands hold a pot of gems, a blue lily, sugar cane, a mace, lotus flower, sprig of paddy, a pomegranate, noose, garland and His broken tusk.

ganesh25g_epsRinamochana Ganapati
Rinamochana Ganapati is humanity's liberator from guilt and bondage. His figure of alabaster skin is apparelled in red silks. He bears a noose and a goad, His milk-white tusk and a favorite fruit, the rose apple.

ganesh26g_epsDhundhi Ganapati
Red-hued Dhundhi Ganapati, "the Sought After," holds a strand of rudraksha beads, His broken tusk, an axe and a small pot of precious gems thought to represent the treasury of awakenings He saves for all ardent devotees.

ganesh27g_epsDvimukha Ganapati
Dvimukha Ganapati, called Janus by the Romans, with two divergent faces, sees in all directions. His blue-green form is dressed in red silk. He wears a bejeweled crown and holds a noose, goad, His tusk and a pot of gems.

ganesh28g_epsTrimukha Ganapati
Trimukha Ganapati, the contemplative "three-faced" Lord of red hue, sits on a golden lotus, telling His beads, holding a noose, goad and vessel of nectar. He gestures protection with a right hand and blessings with a left.

ganesh29g_epsSinha Ganapati
Sinha Ganapati, white in color, rides a lion and displays another lion in one hand, symbolizing strength and fearlessness. He also holds a kalpavriksha sprig, the vina, a lotus blossom, flower bouquet and a pot of jewels.

ganesh30g_epsYoga Ganapati
Yoga Ganapati is absorbed in mantra japa, His knees strapped in meditative pose, hands holding a yoga staff, sugar cane stalk, a noose and prayer beads. His color is like the morning sun. Blue garments adorn His form.

ganesh31g_epsDurga Ganapati
Durga Ganapati, the "Invincible," waves the flag of victory over darkness. This splendid murti is of deep gold hue, dressed in red, holding a bow and arrow, noose and goad, prayer beads, broken tusk and a rose apple.

Sankatahara Ganapati
Sankatahara Ganapati, "the Dispeller of Sorrow," is of sunlike hue, dressed in blue, and seated on a red lotus flower. He holds a bowl of pudding, a goad and a noose while gesturing the boon-granting varada mudra.

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